

About C++

C++ Programming

C++ is a programming language with a special focus on the concepts of OOPs and their implementation. It has object-oriented features, which allow the programmer to create objects within the code. This makes programming easier, more efficient, and some would even say, more fun.

The Star C++ Programming certification course provides an in-depth knowledge about C++. The course helps acquire a fundamental understanding of the OOPs concepts, input/output data management, arrays in C++, functions, classes, objects, pointers, and much more. The course has been designed with a uniform structured series of modules enumerating various pertinent concepts.


Beginner to Intermediate

C++ Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn about:

  • The basic programming and OOPs concepts
  • Creating C++ programs
  • Tokens, expressions and control structures in C++
  • Arranging same data systematically with arrays
  • Classes and objects in C++
  • Constructors and destructors in C++
  • Files management and templates in C++
  • Handling exceptions to control errors

Course Outcome

After competing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe OOPs concepts
  • Use functions and pointers in your C++ program
  • Understand tokens, expressions, and control structures
  • Explain arrays and strings and create programs using them
  • Describe and use constructors and destructors
  • Understand and employ file management
  • Demonstrate how to control errors with exception handling

Table of Contents Outline

  1. Exploring Programming Basics and OOPs Concepts
  2. Introducing C ++ Programming
  3. Working with Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures in C++
  4. Managing Input and Output Data
  5. Arranging the Same Data Systematically: Arrays
  6. Classes and Objects in C++
  7. Implementing OOPs Concepts in C++
  8. Constructors and Destructors
  9. Groups of Statements: Functions
  10. Implementing Structures and Unions
  11. Pointing to a location: Pointers
  12. File Management in C++
  13. Templates in C++
  14. Handling Exceptions in C++
  15. Manipulating Strings in C++
  16. Working with Pre-processor Directives
  17. Advanced Labs

Exam Details

Exam Codes C++ S07-111 (Academy customers use the same codes)
Launch Date Apr 01 2016
Exam Description C++, pronounced "C plus plus," is a programming language that was built off the C language. The syntax of C++ is nearly identical to C, C++ programming language with a special focus on the concepts of OOPs and their implementation.it has object-oriented features, which allow the programmer to create objects within the code. This makes programming easier, more efficient, and some would even say, more fun. Because of the power and flexibility of the language.
Number of Questions 60
Type of Questions MULTIPLE CHOICE
Length of Test 120 Minutes
Passing Score 70%
Recommended Experience C++ is a newer language, based on C, that adds many more modern programming language features that make it easier to program than C
Languages English

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